This hardworking group of volunteers plays an important role within the parish, carrying out two key functions. The first and most important is organising social events and activities to bring the parish community together; the second is to raise much needed funds for the parish.
The committee was formed by Fr Biju in 2021. Initially, meetings were held via zoom but as the group and its activities became more successful and frequent, so too the meetings have become more regular; now monthly face-to-face gatherings, usually held on a weekday evening in the Friary lounge.
Membership has grown since the committees first formation, and there are now 17 members, who have a group Whatsapp which allows the membership to communicate quickly and timely. It is rare a day goes by when an idea or suggestion is not made, or the details of events are not finetuned.
Fundraising activities have taken a number of different guises:
- Appeals for donations – this has included preparing letters to appeal for financial contributions, researching possible grants and external funding as well as encouraging more gift aid. Other initiatives saw parishioners welcome to sponsor a roof tile.
- Special Events – the committee have organised some large-scale events to raise funds. This includes but is not limited to:
- Classical Musical Ensembles on the Friary lawn or by candlelight in the church.
- Race Night at Our Lady of Compassion school
- The parish summer and Christmas fair.
- Large quality raffles.
Friday nights at the Friary – the committee aim to organise some sort of social event that can also raise money for the parish each Friday evening. Examples of events include but are not limited to:
- Ancestry talks
- Quiz nights
- Games nights
- Cookery demonstrations
- Bingo nights
- Movie nights
The committee are always happy to welcome new members and equally welcome new ideas. Any member of the parish is most welcome to volunteer to host a Friday night at the Friary. Speak to Fr Biju or a member of the team and this can be booked onto the schedule.
While the social events are crucial in bringing the parish together, the need for funds is also very urgent. The church roof requires to stages of repair work and for the initial stage, quotes of approximately £160,000 have been received. At the time of writing the ‘roof fund’ has raised over £42,000. A impressive achievement but still some way to go.
If you have an enquiry concerning the Fundraising Committee please contact the Parish Office or email