Weekly Diary

20th October - 27th October 2024

Twenty Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Twenty Ninth Sunday 20th October

Is 53:10-11 Heb 4:14-16 Mk 10:35-45

9.00am Mass People of the Parish 

11.00am Mass Peter Allsop RIP

12.30 Baptism

6.00pm Mass  Doherty Family

Exit Collection: APF World Mission Sunday

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Today is World Mission Sunday The Church unites in prayer for mission activity. Exit donations today go to the Universal Solidarity Fund to meet needs of Catholic communities too young, small or poor to support themselves. Info: missio.org.uk/wms.

Pope John Paul II (Tuesday) celebrated his inaugural mass as pope this day in 1978, refusing the usual coronation. The first pope from Poland, he was instrumental in hastening the collapse of communism & the end of the cold war. Many people in our parish still remember his 1982 visit to Britain, and were at Coventry Airport at Pentecost to hear his message of peace at the height of the Falklands War. In 2014 he was canonised by Pope Francis.

Anthony Mary Claret (Thursday) was  sent as a missionary bishop from Barcelona to Cuba 150 yrs ago. His dedication to the poor & opposition to corruption earned him enemies and he survived 11 assassination attempts before he was recalled to Spain! He founded the Claretian Order of priests and brothers who carried on his ministry by educating the clergy & the young and using modern media.

Cedd (Saturday) isn’t as well known as his brother Chad, our Diocesan patron (feast in March). Coming from Northumbria, educated at Lindisfarne he was missionary to the Saxons and founded a Diocese in Essex. He died in a 664 AD pandemic having witnessed a peaceful accord between Latins & Celts at the Whitby Synod.


*Vinnie Holliday? Next Sunday’s exit collection is an entirely optional one-off appeal for a local 7-yr old boy with an extremely severe heart condition to enable him to stay in school.


Mass intentions: we often have Fr. Dominic to concelebrate at 10.15 mass, so a second intention will be celebrated some days.







Monday 21st October 

 Ep 2:1-10 Lk 12:13-21

07.30  Mass Pat & Esther Murphy RIP

10.15 Alistair Plummer RIP

Tuesday 22nd October

St.John Paul II (optional)

Ep 2:12-22 Lk 12:35-38

7.30 MassSeamus Morrissey 

10.15 Mass Anita Giblin 

  6.30pm Vigil Simon Christopher Doherty

7.00 –8.00pm  Adoration Blessed Sacrament

Wednesday 23rd  October

Ep 3:2-12 Lk 12:39-48

7.30  Mass– Alan Knott

10.15 Mass Communion service 

11.30 Requiem Simon Christopher Doherty

Thursday 24th October

St. Anthony Mary Claret (optional)

Ep 3:14-21 Lk 12:49-53

7.30 Mass Eunice McGhie-Belgrave MBE (90th )

10.15 Mass Flippo La Gambina RIP

 11.00-12.00 Prayer before Blessed Sacrament

6.00pm Evening Prayer...Blessed sacrament

Friday 25th  October 

Ep 4:1-6 Lk 12:54-59

7.30 Mass– Heather Rose

10.15 Mass David Madgwick RIP

Saturday 26th  October

St. Cedd (optional)

Ep 4: 7-16   Lk 13:1-9

9.30 Confessions

10.15 Mass Richard Donnelly RIP

Thirtieth Sunday 27th  October-

Jr 31:7-9 Heb 5:1-6 Mk 10:46-52

9.00am Mass Janet Hill RIP 

11.00am Mass Janet Hill RIP 

6.00pm Mass  People of the Parish   

Exit Collection: Vinnie Holliday *



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