Weekly Diary

July 21st - July 28th 2024

Week Sixteen in Ordinary Time

Sunday  21st July Sixteen Sunday

Jr 23:1-6 Ep 2:13-18 Mk 6:30-34

9.00 Mass - Thomas Henry RIP  

11.00 Mass - Edward & Maggie Gnych

12.30 Baptism

6.00pm Mass - People of the Parish

 Exit Collection : Guild of St Stephen

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Today our retiring collection is for the Guild of St Stephen, the Guild that all our servers at Mass belong to. This collection is to help purchase the medals in Bronze, Silver and Gold.

St Mary Magalene (Monday) A faithful disciple of Christ, Mary ministered to his needs after having seven devils cast out from her. She witnessed his crucifixion, was present at his burial, and was the first to see the risen Lord. She was commissioned by Christ to proclaim the good news.

St Bridget (Tuesday) was born in Sweden. She was the mother of eight children. After her husband’s death, she dedicated herself to an ascetic and contemplative life.

St Sharbel Makhluf (Wednesday) was the son of a Lebanses farmer. He became a Monk and Hermit, and had a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.

St James (Thursday) he is called the “Greater” because his vocation to serve Christ preceded that of the other apostle of the same name. he was the son of Zebedee and was called by Jesus together with his brother John. James was one of the three Apostles, along with Peter and John who witnessed the Transfiguration.                


First Holy Communion 

Parents of children not at a catholic school and in year 3 or above from  September, please email sarah.wood@oltonfriary.org.uk, if they would like their child to be part of the Holy Communion programme beginning in September.



Thanks to John and Mary Byrne for organising the Annual North Warwickshire President’s Mass, at The Friary, on Saturday 13th July.


Mass intentions: we often have Fr. Dominic to concelebrate at 10.15 mass, so a second intention will be celebrated some days.







Monday 22nd July

Sg 3:1-4 or 2Co 5:14-17 Jn 20:1-2,11-18

Feast of St Mary Magadalene

No 7.30 Mass

10.15 Mass   John & Mary Rice RIP

& Eileen Richardson RIP

Tuesday 23rd July

Ga 2:19-20 Jn 15:1-8

Feast of St Bridget, Parton of Europe

7.30 Mass -  Private Intention

10.15 Mass -  P J Doherty RIP

7.00 pm - Holy Hour (Day Chapel)

Wednesday 24th July

Jr 1:1,4-10 Mt 13:1-9

St Sharbel Makhluf, Priest

7.30 Mass - Regan Jose RIP

10.15 Mass   Gerry Eustace RIP

11.00-12.00 Prayer Group (Day Chapel)

Thursday 25th July

2Co 4:7-15 Mt 20:20-28

Feast of St James, Apostle

7.30 Mass  -  Br Michael SCJ RIP

10.15 Mass  - Julie & Steve McHale (Wedding Ann.)

& Tony & Eilish

11.00-12.00 Adoration

6.00pm Evening Prayer & adoration (day chapel)

Friday  26th July

Jr 3:14-17 Mt 13:18-23

Memorial of St Joachim & St Anne

7.30 Mass - Noreen Henry

 10.15 Mass   Graine McCabe (Sp. Intention)

Saturday 27th July

Jr 7:1-11 Mt 13:24-30

9.30 Confessions

10.15 Mass –  Gerry Eustace RIP

Sunday 28th July - Seventeenth Sunday

2K 4:42-44 Ep 4:1-6 Jn 6:1-15

9.00 Mass - People of the Parish

11.00 Mass -  Edward & Maggie Gnych

6.00pm Mass - Steve & Jenny Roper

 Exit Collection : SCJ Students



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